Diablo 3 exploit makes wizards invulnerable
Accio loot!
A Diablo 3 exploit has been found that turns wizards invulnerable.
It involves using the Teleport and Archon skills, a poster on the Blizzard forum explained (via Kotaku).
- Step 1: Select Teleport - Fracture. Bind it to a key
- Step 2: Select Archon, tested with Improved Archon
- Step 3: Hover your mouse over or near your charcter
- Step 4: Press Teleport
- Step 5: QUICKLY(!) Press Archon
The bug was unearthed yesterday. Blizzard hasn't reacted.
The result? Hours of worry-free Hardcore farming. How Blizzard will counter the influx of ill-gotten spoils flooding the Real Money Auction House remains to be seen, but a hotfix for the exploit is surely not far away.
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