Portal 2 News

For:Xbox 360  Also On: PS3PC Released on: 21 April 2011

The Japanese HTV-3 resupply craft to the ISS launched on Friday.

Videogames crossed over into the real world on Friday, as Wheatley was launched into space - or at least an engraving of the Portal 2 character was.

An anonymous tech working at NASA etched a picture of the personality core into a panel on the Japanese HTV-3 resupply craft to the ISS. As well as his robotic figure was joined by the words "In spaaaaaaace!".

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A post on the official Portal 2 blog states that "NASA in no way officially endorses secretly laser-engraving characters from Portal onto their spacecraft. Believe it or not, they don't even officially endorse Portal 2, despite the fact that it's a really excellent game".

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