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>> 1 October 2009 - 22:15 GMT

Brütal Legend - Xbox 360 vs PlayStation 3 comparison

360 just about clinches it

As you may be aware, today's PSN update saw the demo release of Jack Black axe-'em-up Brütal Legend.

And given that a 360 version can also be found on Xbox Live, we figured we'd throw together another comparison gallery.

So, as you can see for yourself below, there's not much in it at all, but at this stage in the game's development, it appears the 360 has the slight edge. Very slight.

The 360 has slightly more detailed textures (most noticeable on Jack's/Eddie's jacket and makes us wonder if the PS3 demo is running at a lower resolution...) and is less jaggy, but really not by much at all. You'd never notice in motion. A good thing we use high-quality screengrabs then.

The demo builds seem slightly different too. Shots 16 and 23 show meteors in the sky on the PS3 version, which don't appear at that moment in the 360 game.

Anyway, take a look for yourselves and as usual feel free to have your say below. Just please be aware that while you don't have to agree with us, trolling like a dick will get your message removed - keep comments both polite and relevant.



There are 2 comments for this article.
Joined: 27 September 2009
Posts: 21
Posted: 2 October 2009 @ 11:23 GMT
that's a really interesting way of performing anti-aliasing. both have anti aliasing but the 360 version has AA on interior edges not just the outline of objects (see Eddie's eyes/mouth)

textures are a bit better on 360 version (as GW says) you'll notice it on the buttons on Eddie's jacket
Joined: 10 September 2009
Posts: 50
Posted: 2 October 2009 @ 13:54 GMT
Yeah, I can notice a slight difference in the texture quality also. I reckon this slight lack of clarity is actually down to resolution.
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