FIFA 13 executive producer David Rutter has said EA Canada's not currently working on next generation entries in the footy series.
"For the FIFA team, we haven't got to a point where anything we've wanted to include in the game hasn't been possible. In the past when we've decided not to include something it has not been because of technological limitations.
"So we're still doing some pretty amazing things in our game for current generation technology. We are in a great position to approach technologies in a very modular way; essentially ripping out features and adding new ones in.
"All of this was possible because the way our game code is structured. So, theoretically, we could adapt to such things on more powerful systems. But it's not something we're doing at the moment."
Asked how the FIFA team would like to utilise the extra memory and processing speed of next gen systems, Rutter said:
"Well I know what everyone wants us to do, which is make the crowds look good. Our crowds are not that great, but improving them is not a priority on our list of things we need to do. Having more power would probably allow us to do that as well as a number of different things, but for now we are just focused on our current project."
The first details on FIFA 13 Manager Mode emerged earlier today. Get them all in our new FIFA 13 preview.
2 comments so far...
Cogglesz on 23 Jul '12 said:
Its a football game and i don't really think these games are built to push power limits but I'm sure if they slammed tesselation for the players, stadiums and clothes, some advanced hbao with lighting and made each of croud independent or atleast a really high quality along with Nvidia physX doing mist, smoke and confetti it would probably push it to the limit with the Wii u and would be high spec on a pc and would look epic i'm sure, of course if they did that on the current consoles it wouldn't get any tesselation or advanced lighting along with the physX but it would still have to probably be put down to 720p @ 30fps, its just a smart move to stick where there at right now, but i'm sure when the next gen comes along football games will atleast look great.
Noobsaibot on 23 Jul '12 said:
Am I the only one that reads this as "We're not really trying that hard to be honest"?
i mean, the Xbox is now in it's SEVENTH YEAR!!!