Diablo 3 players have reportedly uncovered an exploit which makes players invulnerable.
In a game featuring a real money auction house, it's an issue Blizzard will need to address quickly.
Last week Blizzard CEO Mike Morhaime spoke to the Diablo 3 community about the game's problematic first few months, including the infamous Error 37 issue.
4 comments so far...
craiglackenby on 23 Jul '12 said:
You should of kept this one to your self CVG, a few more people might be doing it now.
TehSlenderMan on 23 Jul '12 said:
Probably will get patched in a few weeks. As long as the Auction House stays intact guys!
Mythical on 23 Jul '12 said:
It's probably worth pointing out that Blizzards database will be able to track every user who actually does this and will be able to undo experience and remove items gained.
I doubt they'd go so far as to ban you but you never know.
And before anybody says 'But it's something you can legitimately do within the game', it's still in breach of the terms of use.
Having said that, there'll be absolutely nothing they can do if someone has already used the method and then sold it on the RMAH (assuming it's ever worked!).
corkscru74 on 23 Jul '12 said:
This stuff wouldn't matter so much if they didn't go down the stupid, online-only path. There was nothing wrong with IDDQD, if you wanted to spoil the game for yourself you were the only loser. Now there's money involved?!? Crikey!