Posted on Sunday 22nd Jul 2012 at 7:54 PM UTC

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC delayed on Steam

Available now via Games for Windows Live

Street Fighter X Tekken's character DLC pack has suffered a short delay on Steam.

Street Fighter X Tekken Screenshot
It was intended for release on Friday alongside the DLC's arrival on Games for Windows Live, but "an unforeseen error with the Valve submission process" has force Capcom to hold off the Steam release.

"The ETA for the Steam version is now early next week. We deeply apologize for the delay, and ask for the continued patience of Steam users while we work through this error," said Capcom.

The DLC update unlocks 12 new characters for play, including Blanka, Sakura, Guy, Cody, Dudley, Elena, Jack, Bryan Fury, Alisa, Lars, Lei and Christie.

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